This list was taken from Craig and Moreland (2003): 627-639. It's a specialized list of technical works in philosophy and theology. The theology section was kind of soft, so I didn't spend too much time transmitting those titles. I only listed works that a) are in LC's library or b) I otherwise must have, assuming they weren't in LC's library.
I hope to have this finished by 2020.
This list doesn't include a lot of previously read philosophy (Coplestone, Gilson, Bahnsen, Van Til et al)
Chapter 4: The Problem of Skepticism
Slote, Michael. Reason and Scepticism (1970).
Chapter 5: The Structure of Justification
Audi, Robert. Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction (1998).
Hume, David. An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding.
Locke, John. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding.
Chapter 6: Theories of truth and postmodernism
Willard, Dallas. “How Concepts Relate the Mind to its Objects: The God’s Eye View Vindicated?” Philosophia Christi, 2nd ser., vol 1, no.2 (1999): 5-20.
I didn't add much to this section because I've read most of the standard sources, even parts of Derrida in French.
Chapter 7: Religious Epistemology
Alston, William. Perceiving God (1991).
Plantinga, Alvin. “The Foundations of Theism: A Reply.” Faith and Philosophy 3 (1986): 298-313.
------------------. Warrant: The Current Debate.
------------------. Warrant and Proper Function (currently reading).
------------------. Warranted Christian Belief (have read).
Plantinga, Alvin, and Nicholas Wolterstorff. Faith and rationality (have read).
Chapter 8: What is Metaphysics?
Chisholm, Roderick. On Metaphysics (1989).
Plantinga, Alvin. The Nature of Necessity (1974).
van Inwagen, Peter. Metaphysics (1993).
Chapter 9: General Ontology: Existence, Identity and Reductionism
Craig, William Lane, and J. P. Moreland, eds. Naturalism: A Critical Analysis (2000).
Suarez, Francis. On the various kinds of distinctions.
Chapter 10: General Ontology: Two categories--property and substance
Chapters 11 and 12: The Mind-Body Problem
Kim, Jaegwon. Mind in a Physical World (1998).
Moreland, J. P. and Scott Rae. Body and Soul: Human Nature and the crisis in ethics.
Chapter 13: Free Will and Determinism
Fischer, John. The Metaphysics of Free Will. (1994).
Kane, Robert. A Contemporary Introduction to Free Will (2005).
Rowe, William. Thomas Reid on Freedom and Morality (1991).
Chapter 14: Personal Identity and Life After Death
Hick, John. Death and Eternal Life(1976).
Chapter 15: Scientific Methodology
Moreland, J. P. Christianity and the Nature of Science (1989).
Chapter 16: The Realism-Antirealism Debate
Chapter 17: Philosophy and the Integration of Science
Chapter 18: Philosophy of Time and Space
Craig, William Lane. God, Time, and Eternity: The Coherence of Theism II.
-----------------------. Time and Eternity: Exploring God’s Relationship to Time.
Einstein, Albert. Relativity: General and Special Theories.
Chapters 19-22: Issues in Ethics
Geisler, Norman. Christian Ethics: Issues and Options.
Pojman, Louis. Ethics: Discovering Right from Wrong.
Chapters 23-24: The Existence of God
Barrow, John. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle.
Beck, David. “The Cosmological Argument: A Current Bibliographical Appraisal.”
Craig, William Lane. The Kalaam Cosmological Argument.
Craig, WIlliam Lane and Quentin Smith. Theism, Atheism, and Big-Bang Cosmology.
Denton, Michael. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.
Ganssle, Gregory. “Necessary Moral Truths and the Need for an Explanation.”
Hackett, Stuart. Resurrection of theism.
Hume, David. Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion.
Martin, Michael. Atheism: A Philosophical Justification.
Plantinga, Alvin. The Nature of Necessity.
-----------------. The Ontological Argument.
Rowe, William. “Circular Explanations, Cosmological Arguments and Sufficient Reason.”
Vallicella, William. “On an Insufficient Argument Against Sufficient Reason.”
Chapters 25-26: The Coherence of Theism.
Adams, Robert. “Divine Necessity”
Craig, William Lane. God, Time, and Eternity: The Coherence of Theism II.
Creel, Richard. Divine Impassibility.
Hasker, William. The Emergent Self.
Helm, Paul. Divine Commands and Morality.
Leftow, Brian. “God and Abstract Entities.”
Molina, Luis de. On Divine Foreknowledge
Nielsen, Kai. Ethics without God.
Plantinga, Alvin. Does God Have a Nature? (read)
--------------. “How to be an Anti-Realist.”
---------------. The Nature of Necessity.
Swinburne, Richard. The Coherence of Theism.
Wolterstorff, Nicholas. “Divine Simplicity.”
Chapter 27: The Problem of Evil
Hick, John. Evil and the God of Love
Plantinga, Alvin. God, Freedom, and Evil.
-----------------. The Nature of Necessity.
Rowe, William. “The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism.”
Chapter 28: Creation, Providence, and Miracle
Craig, William Lane. “Creation and Conservation Once More.”
Freddoso, Alfred. “The Necessity of Nature.”
Helm, Paul. The Providence of God.
Hume, David. “Of Miracles.”
Morris, Thomas. Divine and Human Action.
Suarez, Francisco. On Creation, Conservation, and Concurrence.
Chapter 29: Christian Doctrines (I): The Trinity
(see other sources)
Chapter 30: Christian Doctrines (II): The Incarnation
Bayne, Tim. “The Inclusion Model of the Incarnation: Problems and Prospects.”
Freddoso, Alfred. “Human Nature, Potency and the Incarnation.”
Morris, Thomas. The Logic of God Incarnate.
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